We provide free training to all users so that they have no problem using the software.We have dedicated trainers to train.Training programs are done both online and offline. We organize multiple offline trainings at the user’s convenience. And for online training we have video tutorials, which you can easily learn the use of the software by watching. Moreover, we have online support 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Your importance is most important to us. And that’s why we’re eager to answer any questions you may have.
We are ready to answer all questions related to the software, from signing up to its full use. Please fill in your name, mobile number, email and click on “Submit” button. Our representative will call you within 1-60 m.
*বিঃদ্রঃ আপনাকে কল করার সময়সূচীঃ সকাল 10 AM – 6 PM (সরকারি ছুটির দিন ব্যতীত)
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